Saturday, 22 September 2012

Something For the Weekend #7

Took an impromptu trip to the village of London yesterday and after a trot around Tate Modern went to the adjacent exhibition of Classic NME covers at the NEO Bankside. The show was part of their 60 year celebrations which, for all the magazines faults, is quite a feat and provided you were able to wade through the huge amount of Oasis documentation, the exhibition was a bit of a treat. And it was free. The Ian Curtis death issue and Ian McCulloch beside a white steed in 1982, particularly caught my eye.

I kind of wish that they had included a few oddities alongside the usual 'classics'. The infamous Godspeed You Black Emperor! / Blair Witch Project cover from 1999 which, despite not knowing who the frig GSYPE! were in 1999, I always thought was pretty cool. Or a 'covers of shame' section would have been great like this other entry from the same year...

Oh, 1999, what were you like? (Good to see Noel on the cover announcing the essential details of the new single- 'Go Let It Out'. How times have changed...)

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