Sunday, 3 February 2013

Something for the Weekend #12 MBV

Sunday morning, Match of the Day re-run, cup of coffee, daughter quaffing Coco Pops and a fresh download of the new My Bloody Valentine album. Eh?

Yep, this isn't an elaborate hoax IT'S REAL. After hearing the news late last night I anticipated the website surge and thought I’d leave it until the morning. We’ve had to wait, so now they can. But I now have THE NEW MY BLOODY VALENTINE ALBUM playing before my very own (bleeding) ears with a slab of vinyl heading my way before the end of the month too.

So is it any good? As if that is important! Yet. No one SERIOUSLY thought Be Here Now or Kid A were better the first time, right? And although over time they weren't, the point I'm trying to make is just try to enjoy the moment. Next time MBV release I’ll be in my early 50s. But in answer to the question is it any good? Of course it ruddy is.

This is now the second ‘kid on Christmas morning’ feeling of the year with Bowie dominating my ear space for January with his gloriously stylish and actually musically impressive comeback. 2013 you are the year that just keeps giving. What next? Will Lee Mavers get his arse in gear and make the follow up to the Las debut?  No chance...

Whatever MBV turns out like (after the 50th listen) the cover, which incidentally looks like a still from the opening credits of the Bill, won’t be as good as this albums sleeve.

Sonic Cathedral, who brought us last years great Yeti Lane LP, have gone waaaay beyond with this compilation album: Psych for Sore Eyes. Double red and green vinyl, screen-printed kaleidoscopic Hawkwind-in-a-blender sleeve and a pair of 3D specs. The music isn’t half bad either with the opening track being from my current favourites, Hookworms (whose debut is out in March). This is from their 2011 EP...

...but this Spacemen 3 like lovliness from the Band in Heaven closes the LP, which also includes tracks from modern psychedelic loons Ttotals, The Vacant Lots, White Manna and Lorelle Meets The Obsolete.

If that wasn’t enough, buying the record (which is now sold out, suckers) entitles the owner to two tickets to see Hookworms and a bunch of others play at the launch night at the Red Gallery in London in a fortnight. Phew. And it’s a bring your own booze affair, psych for sore eyes indeed.

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